General Fusion is an extremely impactful organization, and given its size and stage, there is a significant opportunity to make a strong contribution. There is potential for employee growth, and leaders provide mentorship. The culture is collaborative and open—I can float ideas to anyone, and things will be discussed and contemplated. These are some things I appreciate most about working at General Fusion. 
COP28 (United Nations Climate Change Conference) in the UAE has been one of my favourite places to travel for work. It was great to see climate change and fusion discussed on the world stage at that forum. Participating and being there with our leadership was exciting, as was discussing our mission and advancing global knowledge and awareness of fusion. I also visited the old souqs of Dubai with our founder, Michel, which was a delightful experience!  
My secret superpower is that I am extremely good at travelling on rewards programs for free or as cheaply as possible. I have seen a lot of the world on very little money! 
My family would say that I plan and organize nearly everything and everyone, and that I am always keen to learn and do more.